Iwao the Impaler

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Iwao The Impaler is one of the two second bosses of Shogun Showdown. He is found in the Whispering Caves.

The level in which you fight him in is 7 cells long. Iwao is on the fifth cell, and you are in the fourth.

Voice Lines

  • You defile sacred ground.
  • I impale for the Shogun.
  • Kumori brought it upon itself.
  • The heavens have spoken, you must die!
  • The Astronomer? A heretic!
  • Only Nobunaga knows true enlightnment.
  • Your order is blasphemous. (Exclusive to The Chain Master)
  • You escaped Kumori, but you will not escape me! (Exclusive to The Wanderer)
  • By the scarring, I judge you unworthy!

  • The heavens scream... die!

Boss Details

HP (Day 5+) Tile(s) Traits Description

25 (28)

Tiles spear.png/Tiles earthImpale.png/Tiles swirl.png/Tiles summon.png/

(Tiles phantomLeap.png/ Corrupted Wave)


A cruel warrior of mystical fervor, Iwao guards the sacred waterfalls zealously. The scarring left an indelible mark on him.
SpikeCharger.png YariMaster.png


Iwao is a boss that does melee attacks with more range, or AOE melee attacks. It is pretty simple to evade his attacks - just move away when he launches the attacks. He can also summon SpikeCharger.png Spike Chargers and YariMaster.png Yari Masters, though it seems that he summons Yari Masters much more often. The worst case scenario is that a Yari Master and Iwao will combo you up, though the chance of you being in that situation is low.

Iwao mostly goes for Tiles earthImpale.png Earth Impale attacks, hitting cells exactly at distance 2 ahead and behind. When he is about to launch the attack, simply walk towards or away. Iwao never goes for a solo Tiles swirl.png Swirl attack, and always combos it up with the Earth Impale. When he's right next to you while he has Earth Impale in his attack queue, he will add a Swirl and launch the attack. In this case, start to walk away from him, as his attack can reach up to 4 cells! If he is trying to reach you while he has Earth Impale in his attack queue and you are getting surrounded by him, try to bait the attack, as you could potentially take damage from the Swirl if he starts to combo it up with the Earth Impale. He can also go for Tiles spear.png Spear. In this case, move away from him when he start to add it in, into his attack queue.

Unlike Daisuke the Dasher who may go for dash attacks, it will be safe to try to take out the Spike Chargers and Yari Masters as there is no ranged attack threat from Iwao.

Corrupted Iwao


Corrupted Iwao gains the Quick trait like most Quick trait-less bosses. Because of this, you have to play around him more carefully, especially when he goes for the Spear. He (probably) also seeks advice from Daisuke, as he now can go for a dash attack (Tiles phantomLeap.pngTiles spear.png Dash + Spear)! This is a huge threat, as unlike Daisuke's fight, the boss level is 7 cells wide, allowing him to go for his dash attack without you being able to avoid it. Combining this with the fact that he often goes for AOE attacks, it will be hard to sometimes stay close to Iwao, but sometimes stay far. Therefore, you have to play MUCH more carefully. Go near him, avoid his ranged or AOE attacks, and when he goes for his dash attack, avoid him (to know how to avoid dash attacks, go to Daisuke's page).

He also goes for Corrupted Wave, which is a move similar to a mini-Blazing Barrage. It can do a little chip damage to you. Taking this chip damage will sometimes be better than tanking heavier attacks like the Spear.

Note: Pink texts are exclusive to the corrupted boss.