Sato the Stagemaster

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Unfinished Article, missing information, not all information may be correct/complete


Voice Lines

Act Voice Line Type
"Crossing Paths"

"Chaos dances within!"

Voice Line
"Mirror Clash" or "The Ambush" or
"The Great Wave" or "Storming the Walls"

"Explosive Situation"

"The Dance Unfolds"
"Mirror Clash"or "The Ambush" or
"The Great Wave" or "Storming the Walls"

"Explosive Situation"

"Final Confrontation"

Boss Details

HP (Day 5+) Tile(s) Traits Description

38 (45)

Tiles Copycat mirror.png/Tiles maku.png

(Tiles Copycat mirror doublestrike.png)



Once the Shogun's favorite actor, Sato fell from grace and now serves as a shadow of his former self.


Title of Acts Visual Description
"Crossing Paths"
Act 1-2.png
Act 1: Sato appears in front of you for the first time 1 cell away, from there he will start using the Tiles Copycat mirror.png Copycat mirror to copy and use your weapons against you. Whether you attack him or not, he will try by all means to disappear with his Tiles maku.png Maku.
"Mirror Clash"
"The Ambush"
"The Great Wave"
"Storming the Walls"
Mirror Clash.pngThe Ambush.png
The Great Wave.pngStorming The Walls.png
Act 2 is a scene orchestrated by its title. Depending on the title of the act, the enemies will be different and will be placed in a specific order. Once the enemies are killed, Sato will then return to confront you in Act 3.

"Mirror Clash": 2 Strider.png Strider and 2 Kabukai.png Kabukai in front and behind the hero.
"The Ambush": 2 SpikeCharger.png Spike Charger and 2 YariMaster.png Yari Master in front and behind the hero.
"The Great Wave": 1 Ashigaru.png Ashigaru , 3 SpikeCharger.png Spike Charger and 1 YumiSniper.png Yumi Sniper in front the hero.
"Storming the Walls": 1SpikeCharger.png Spike Charger and 1 Ashigaru.png Ashigaru behind, 1 Barricade and 2 YumiSniper.png Yumi Sniper in front the hero.
"The Dance Unfolds"
The Dance Unfolds.png
Act 3 is like Act 1, copying and using your tiles, and disappearing with Tiles maku.png Maku.

"Mirror Clash"
"The Ambush"
"The Great Wave"
"Storming the Walls"
Act 4 is like Act 2 except it cannot have the same title twice. If for example you come across "Mirror Clash", you will have a 1 in 3 chance of coming across the other acts, "The Ambush" or "The Great Wave" or even "Storming the Walls".
"Final Confrontation"
Final Confrontation.pngFinal Confrontation 2.png
Act 5 will be the end of the confrontation, it will be accompanied by 2 YariMaster.png Yari Master (1 in front and 1 behind) And 1 WardenEnemy.png Warden in front the hero, either you make the threat disappear and you then deal with the boss, or you rush to kill him, knowing that his death will complete the end of the fight.

Corrupted Sato the Stagemaster


Title of Acts Visual Description

"Chaos dances within!"

Corrupted Act 1-2.png
Act 1 & Act 3: It's the same fight as his normal form, just that he uses the Tiles Copycat mirror doublestrike.png Copycat mirror double strike instead of Tiles Copycat mirror.png Copycat mirror
"Explosive Situation"
Explosive Situation.png
Act 2 & Act 4: A new 5th act is added to the list of existing ones.

"Explosive Situation": 4 WardenEnemy.png Warden in front and behind the hero.
"Final Confrontation"
Final Confrontation Corruption.pngFinal Confrontation Corruption 2.png
Final Confrontation Corruption 3.png
Act 5: The final act has 3 differents battle setups.

1 YumiSniper.png Yumi Sniper behind, 2 Kabukai.png Kabukai in front and behind and 2 BlightChargerEnemy.png Blight Charger in front and behind the hero.
2 YariMaster.png Yari Master (1 in front and 1 behind) And 1 WardenEnemy.png Warden in front the hero.
2 Guardian.png Guardian in front and behind, 1 AshigaruArcher.png Ashigaru Archer in front and 1 YumiSniper.png Yumi Sniper in front the hero behind the boss.


Defeating Sato at Act 1 will unlock the achievement Shortest play.png.

Corrupted Sato is the only boss with red eyes instead of white eyes.

Originally a discord suggestion