Fumiko the Fallen

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Fumiko the Fallen is the fourth boss in the game who appears in Forsaken Grounds

The level is 7 cells long. Fumiko is on the sixth cell, while the hero is on the second.

Voice Lines

  • Yes, I'm Fast.
  • You hold my gaze, but bravery won't save you.
  • I sense... something strange.
  • Are the drums of war quiet at last?
  • I awoke, and the moon bears a new scar...
  • I met Daisuke... his courage wavered, but his feet did not.
  • A Chain Master? The order is still around... (Exclusive to The Chain Master)
  • The drums... Still echo...

  • Strange... Everything feels strange...

Boss Details

HP (Day 5+) Tile(s) Traits Description

28 (35)

Tiles spear.png/Tiles swirl.png/Tiles mark.png/Tiles summon.png

(Tiles Blazing Suigei.png / Corrupted Wave)

A legendary figure from a bygone era, Fumiko unexplainably awoke soon after the scarring.

Behavior and Strategy

Fumiko acts like a quicker strider, grabbing a Tiles spear.png/Tiles swirl.png tile, dashing to the player, attacking, and then backing off to repeat the process. She may also go for Tiles mark.png curse, to which she'll throw at the player and then back off further. She may also Tiles summon.pngTiles summon.png summon 2 blight chargers to assist her.

Fumiko should be treated much like a quick strider, as her movements are mostly the same as one. Her swirl can be dodged just like a regular katana by backing off. If Fumiko attacks with spear, the player should be ready to use their special move in order to dodge it. If the player is the Jujitsuka, they need to avoid being in a corner to allow their special move to throw Fumiko out of the way if she has the spear. The player should be extra careful when cursed in order to not take x2 damage from Fumiko. Fumiko's summons should be killed quickly as blight chargers have the quick trait and can stack damage quickly.

Corrupted Fumiko


Corrupted Fumiko gains the Tiles Blazing Suigei.png blazing suisei tile which she'll occasionally use just like her other tiles. She also gains the corrupted wave tile, which she'll use similarly to curse. Finally, Fumiko summons Tiles summon.pngTiles summon.pngTiles summon.png 3 blight chargers instead of 2.

Corrupted Fumiko's biggest change is her new blazing suisei. Like her spear, the player should be ready to use their special move to dodge the attack. It is not recommended to stay 2 cells away from her as you will have no inherent escape options if she uses the blazing suisei. The extra blight charger may be a bit annoying, but most heroes have a way to killing 2 enemies with one tile. Use that tile plus an extra one to kill the remaining blight charger. Otherwise, Corrupted Fumiko is largely the same as her non-corrupted counterpart.


  • Fumiko is the best boss to grind coins with the ComboCoin.png combo coin skill (especially when she is corrupted), as the blight chargers have very little health and Fumiko spawns a lot of them at one time.