Baru the Barricader

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Baru the Barricader is the second boss if you choose to go at the bottom way of the game who appears in Hibiku Wastelands.

The level in which you fight him in is 7 cells long. Baru is on the fifth cell, and the hero is on the third.

Note: Pink texts are exclusive to the corrupted boss.

Voice Lines

  • Life is full of obstacles!
  • Your defense is laughable.
  • Always watch out for snipers! Wait... Why am I telling you this?
  • There's a shrine beneath the Shogun's castle... I built it.
  • A fallen star was found nearby.
  • Ieyasu knew about the eclipse.
  • Please don't push my barricades. (Exclusive to The Ronin)
  • Why did I touch it?

  • The shrine... It haunts me.

Boss Details

HP (Day 5+) Tile(s) Traits Description

20 (25)

Tiles swirl.png/Tiles dragonPunch.png/Tiles dashBackward.png/Tiles Volley.png/Barricade icon.png/Tiles summon.png

(Tiles spear.png/ Corrupted Wave)



Ieyasu's trusted engineer, Baru is known for his legendary exploits during the siege of Kumori. Some say he harbors bitterness about how things ultimately turned out.


Baru starts with attacking at the player with Tiles swirl.png Swirl, walking up to them to hit them. Regardless if he hits the player or not, he will then retreat and hide behind a barricade with Tiles dashBackward.pngBarricade icon.png Backcharge + Barricade. If Baru is in a corner when he tries to barricade himself, he will do Tiles dragonPunch.pngBarricade icon.png Knockback Punch + Barricade instead. He will then alternate between summoning enemies with Tiles summon.png summon, and firing a Tiles Volley.png volley at the player. If the barricade dies, he will attack with swirl again, and then rebuild the barricade. Baru will keep summoning enemies until there are 3 enemies (including the barricade) on the field, after which he will stop summoning enemies and just fire volleys at the player.

Breaking the barricade quickly is the key to defeating Baru as if he has nothing to hide behind, he stops all of his actions to run up to the player with swirl, giving the player an opening to attack him. Bursting Baru down with many tiles at once is preferable as he is not vulnerable very often due to enemy spawns and/or the barricade. Piercing weapons such as Tiles spear.png Spear or Tiles crossbow.png Crossbow, or bypass weapons such as Tiles lightning.png Lightning or Tiles shadowKama.png Shadow Kama, are highly effective as they ignore the presence of the barricade.

Corrupted Baru


Like most trait-less bosses, Baru gains the quick trait, which shrinks the amount of turns Baru leaves himself open to attack. Baru also gains the Tiles spear.png spear tile, which sometimes replaces the swirl, preventing the player from safely attacking with melee tiles. His quick trait allows him to cycle summons and volleys faster meaning that there will be more enemies to fight and more turns spent dodging the volley. He also gains Corrupted Wave which can heal him and deal chip damage to you. Due to Baru oftentimes staying in one spot, he benefits from the heal much more often than other bosses. This can lead to Baru healing much of the damage the player deals to him if the player does not have sufficient damage to clear out his barricade quickly. The Tiles spear.png will be canceled if a enemy or barricade gets pushed in front of Baru, instead of still attacking like most other enemies who use spear.

High damage bursts are the key to beating Corrupted Baru, as the openings to attack him are much smaller now. Breaking the barricade with one tile is advisable so the rest of the other tiles can be used to attack Baru. Tiles that can attack Baru directly or can pierce the barricade (see above) are even better when Baru is corrupted since there are more times where you can attack with them. Clearing out enemies becomes much more important as they can get in the way or force you to waste turns dodging their attacks.


Baru the Barricader name during the Jujisuka beta was Toshiie the Timberlord.